Lose one's treasure


There is an elderly rich man who is very worried about the future of his son who was spoiled since childhood. Although he has a huge fortune, he is afraid of the harm that will be brought to his son. He thought that instead of leaving his fortune to his children, he might as well teach him to fight on his own.

  He called his son and told him how he started from scratch. After hard work and hard work, he has become today. The story of his father touched this young man who had never travelled before and inspired him to fight. So he made a vow: "If you don't find the treasure, you will never return home."

   The youth built a strong ship and set sail in the farewell of relatives and friends. He drove the boat through the treacherous winds and waves, passed countless islands, and finally found a kind of tree in the tropical rain forest. This kind of tree is more than ten meters high, and there are only one or two in a rainforest. Cut down this kind of tree, after a year of letting the skin rot, leaving the dark part of the wood heart, it will emit an incomparable aroma. The young man thought: This is really an incomparable treasure!

   The young man transported the tree with incomparable fragrance to the market for sale, but no one came to buy it, which bothered him very much. It happened that someone was selling charcoal at the stall next to him, and the hawker always sold out quickly. At the beginning, the youth was still unmoved. As the days passed, his confidence was finally shaken. He thought: "Since charcoal is so good to sell, why don't I turn fragrant trees into charcoal to sell?"

   The next day, he really burned the fragrant wood into charcoal, picked it to the market, and sold out in a while. The young man was very happy that he changed his mind and went home proudly to tell his old father. The old man couldn't help crying when he heard it.

   It turns out that the fragrant wood burned into charcoal by young people is the most precious tree in the world, "Agarwood". As long as you cut a small piece and grind it into dust, it will be worth more than a cart of charcoal.

   [Successful interpretation]

   This is a story told by Shakyamuni in the Buddhist scriptures. He tells us this wisdom: Many people have "Agarwood" in their hands but don't know its preciousness. Instead, they envy the charcoal in others' hands, and finally lose their treasures.
