Pumpkin pressure


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States once did an interesting experiment. The experimenter hoop a small pumpkin with an iron ring to observe how much pressure the pumpkin exerts on the iron ring as it grows up. Initially they estimated that the pumpkin can withstand a maximum of about 500 pounds of pressure.

In the first month of the experiment, the pumpkin had withstood 500 pounds of pressure; by the second month of the experiment, the pumpkin had withstood 1,500 pounds of pressure; when the pumpkin had withstood 2000 pounds of pressure, the experimenters had to reinforce the iron ring. So as not to open the hoop by the pumpkin.

Finally, when the study was over, the pumpkin suffered more than 5000 pounds of pressure before it ruptured.

However, when the experimenters opened the pumpkin, it was found that it was inedible, and the pumpkin was filled with tough layers of fiber. Open the soil and see that in order for the pumpkin to absorb sufficient nutrients to break through the iron ring that restricts its growth, its roots have stretched in different directions. It has stretched far, far away. When measured, it exceeds tens of thousands of feet. As a result, the roots of this pumpkin spread all over the soil in the garden.

Pumpkins can withstand such a huge amount of pressure, but what about us? People have no idea how much pressure they can withstand. But one thing is certain, human beings are advanced animals and must bear more pressure than small pumpkins. Therefore, as long as you have a tenacious will and a belief in victory, there is no difficulty that can stop you!
