The great wisdom of car washers

 He was born in a black family in Mississippi. Due to the large number of brothers and sisters and the low income of their parents, their lives are stretched, so that when they were young, it became an unattainable dream to buy a bicycle. However, the poor life did not make him lose confidence, but made him stronger.

At the age of 16, he went out to work to earn money, helping people wash cars in a car dealer. In the eyes of ordinary people, car washing is a career with no future. This is similar to sweeping the streets. If not forced by livelihoods, there is absolutely no young man willing to do this job. At first, he also had the attitude of giving it a try. After all, he needed a job to support himself.

There are a dozen car washers in this car dealership. Everyone seems to be dissatisfied with the job, but they seem helpless. Because they don't have any special skills, they can only be a monk and hit the clock for a day. In addition to repeating mechanical actions every day, what they hope most is that they can get a salary from their boss as soon as the end of the month.

He has to work more than ten hours a day, and he is often so tired that he can't even straighten his waist. He has to be scolded by his boss and the eyes of his clients. Even so desperately, he can only get paid about ten dollars a day. One summer passed, he became darker and thinner, and his heart was more disappointed. So he had the idea of ​​leaving.

On this day, Johnson went to visit a friend who lives on a mountain, connected to his house by a section of high stone steps. As he walks, if he has some understanding, everyone is eager to succeed, and they all want to stand on the spire of the admirable tower, but if you want to reach the highest point, you must climb up the steps from the lowest point. Although a car wash is a dismissive profession, it is a good exercise opportunity. Once done well, every job is a step to success. Just imagine, how can a person who can't even do small things do a big job? From then on, he was determined and returned to the car dealership.

The experience of car washing made him understand that if he wants to become an indispensable figure in his work, he must be familiar with every link and master every skill as soon as possible. Therefore, he humbly learned from the old workers the technique of vacuuming the cabin, the technique of cleaning tires, and the technique of wiping the car body. Before long, he became the top brand in the car dealership, and many people clamored for him to wash the car.

In the meantime, he also learned the spirit of teamwork and cooperated closely with the workers. He knows that many times, to do a good job, it is not just a person's effort that can do it, but also the collective wisdom and strength. At the same time, he also worked hard to communicate. One should make friends widely, because you don't know when you will need them.

He often encourages himself. The difficulties are like rainy weather. If every time it rains, he says "I can't go out, I can only sleep at home", then nothing can be done. He always takes a positive attitude towards setbacks. Later, he left the car dealership and became a graduate student at Princeton University. Later, he founded the company and became the founder of the first black holding company on the New York Stock Exchange. He is Robert Johnson, the founder of the American Black Entertainment Television Network.

From a humble car washer to a giant business firm, Johnson has realized his ideals of life step by step. When talking about the experience of entrepreneurship, Johnson said: "If you want to be successful, you must have confidence, determination and willingness to do one thing well."
